Opening Up the Gospels
A video series on the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus as revealed by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a precious treasure and testimony of God's faithfulness. For a large part of my life of faith, Jesus' story as told by the books we call the "Gospels" was not much more than a fairy tale to me. I realized my "relationship" with Jesus was sincere but had little substance to it beyond sentiment towards His work on the cross. I could spend hours telling you about my favorite TV shows, but I couldn't tell you much about the details of the life of the Promised One that humanity has longed for since the fall in Eden's garden.

Beginning in the summer of 2013 and finishing in the summer of 2017, I recorded short videos that chronologically walk through the Gospels to encourage others to "behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29) and to "hear Him" (Matthew 17:5) - to look at the treasure of His life and to listen to His matchless words. I pray this contribution to the body of Messiah would help us to marvel at His "unsearchable riches" (Ephesians 3:8) and to help us "eagerly wait" (Hebrews 9:28) for His return to rule in Jerusalem.

This teaching series is called Opening Up the Gospels. There are 156 episodes, enough to watch one episode per week for three years straight. I hope these are edifying and strengthening to your faith in Jesus.
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Episode 120 - Passion Week: Tuesday, part 2

As Jesus' final day of His public ministry to Israel, Tuesday of Passion Week is filled with parables directed at the Jewish authorities and their failure to bear the fruits of repentance. This episode looks at three events from Matthew 21, including the question of Jesus' authority, the parable of the two sons, and the… Read More »

Episode 121 - Passion Week: Tuesday, part 3

As Jesus' final day of His public ministry to Israel, Tuesday of Passion Week is filled with parables directed at the Jewish authorities and their failure to bear the fruits of repentance. This episode looks at three events from Matthew 22, including the parable of a king and a wedding for his son, paying taxes… Read More »

Episode 122 - Passion Week: Tuesday, part 4

In His final day of public ministry, Jesus continues to silence His opponents and asserts His divinity yet again to the Jewish leadership. This episode develops the final events of Tuesday of Passion Week, including the Pharisees' question about the greatest commandment and Jesus' words about Psalm 110 and David's son.

Episode 123 - Passion Week: Tuesday, part 5

On the final day of His public ministry, Jesus pronounces severe woes over the Pharisees and teachers of the Law. He also predicts the destruction of the Temple and tells His disciples about the signs of His coming and the end of the age. This episode looks at each of the seven woes Jesus speaks… Read More »

Episode 124 - The Conclusion of Jesus' Public Ministry

Jesus' public ministry comes to a close on Tuesday of Passion Week. This episode reviews the major themes developed by the Gospels in the two years of His ministry to Israel and examines the short record of events on Wednesday, including Judas' agreement with the Jewish authorities to betray Jesus.

Episode 125 - The Last Supper, part 1

On Thursday of Passion Week and on the first formal day of the Passover Feast of 29AD, Jesus asks Peter and John to go into Jerusalem to prepare the Passover lamb. Later in the day, Jesus comes into the city and into the upper room to begin the Passover celebration with the Twelve. This episode… Read More »

Episode 126 - The Last Supper, part 2

As the ten disciples and Jesus come into the upper room to meet Peter and John for the Passover meal, a dispute arises among them as to who is the greatest. This episode develops this part of the scene of the Last Supper, detailing the importance of the seating arrangement to the events of the… Read More »

Episode 127 - The Last Supper, part 3

After the disciples arrive to the upper room and find their place at the table, Jesus formally begins the "Last Supper", the Passover meal celebration with them before His crucifixion. This episode examines the Old Testament foundations of the Passover celebration, its meaning to the Jewish people, and the eschatological understanding of the feast for… Read More »

Episode 128 - The Last Supper, part 4

After rising from the table to wash His hands, Jesus takes on the task of a slave and washes His disciples' feet. In this beautiful scene from the Gospels, the disciples learn what true humility and greatness is - servanthood. This episode looks at Jesus' actions and words from this part of the Passover meal… Read More »

Episode 129 - The Last Supper, part 5

After washing His disciples' feet, Jesus reclines at the table and says that one of the Twelve is going to betray Him. As the Passover meal progresses and the disciples are doubting, Jesus explicitly John that Judas is the betrayer. The details of this part of the Last Supper bring so much clarity to this… Read More »

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