Tag: Kingdom of God

These videos below reference the Tag: Kingdom of God.

The Passover and the Kingdom of God

On the night Jesus was betrayed, he took bread and wine and associated the Passover (Exodus 12) with his death. But he also connected it with his return and the establishing of the kingdom of God (Luke 22:14-23). This short teaching was given to a group of students at Texas A&M University in April 2022.

Mary, did you know? - The Myths of Christmas #6

Mary, did you know... that your baby boy... would one day rule the nations? Yep, she did. Learn what Mary knew about Jesus from the angel Gabriel and how she connected her story to the larger story of God's dealings with the nation of Israel.

Instead of worrying, make THIS your priority

In Matthew 6, Jesus tells his followers to not be anxious or worried about their lives in this age, but instead to "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness" - to look ahead with anticipation to all that God had promised in his covenants with Israel. Even 21st century Gentiles who have been… Read More »

"The gospel" is about so much more than the death and resurrection of Jesus

The common modern understanding of the Gospel is that "Jesus died and rose again so we can go to heaven when we die", but Luke writes several times that people proclaimed "the gospel" before Jesus even said that he was going to die and rise again (Luke 3:18, Luke 9:1-6, Luke 20:1). So, what would… Read More »

Treasures in heaven, bad eyes, and the age to come

In Matthew 6, Jesus encourages the Jews to store up "treasures in heaven". Is Jesus telling his hearers that when they get to heaven he will give them a box of Legos or a gold necklace or a white stone if they stop looking at pornography? Jesus' original Jewish hearers would have understood the phrase… Read More »

Episode 108 - The Coming of the Kingdom

On the way to Jerusalem for the final Passover feast of His ministry, Jesus is asked by Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come. Jesus responds by correcting the Pharisees' understanding of how it would come, then turns to His disciples and describes it fully. This episode examines one of the most misunderstood passages… Read More »

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